Last week’s activities/ Actividades de la semana pasada
At the beginning of last week, we discussed about the activities we need to do in our office located in Neda. At first, I was overwhelmed, because there was so much information to remember. Also, English is not my native language so it was fun to experiment how much can I understand and speak. It was challenging in the beginning, because there were a lot of new words in our discussion.
We also walked the English camino and looked for places that needed improvement. There were some places, that are hard to cross for people with disabilities. There were also missing or barely seeable arrows in some points of the camino. On some spots, there were big trashes or invading plants. I saw some interesting things that I had never seen before on the way. I saw orange trees, grapes and other interesting plants that we don’t have in Estonia.
On two days, we collected trash from the surrounding. On the first trash-collecting-day we cleaned the surroundings in Neda. I was a photographer and a trash collector at the same time so it was a bit difficult, but I managed it well. At the beginning, there was not as much trash as I was afraid there would be. Later on, there was more and more trash as we continued to walk on. There was a bridge that had a lot of garbage underneath it. I also found a box of plates in a plastic bag under a bush. We collected about 5 and a half bags of waste that day. On the other day, we were collecting trash in Ferrol near a beach. There were a lot of pieces of small trash, that was flying around. I mostly collected glass pieces, because they are very dangerous for animals (like dogs) when they step on them. They could injure their paws and get infections from the wounds.
In summary, we collected a lot of trash, which is good and bad at the same time. It’s sad to see so much waste in bushes, under bridges, on the sides of the road and near the trash bins. One would think that if there’s so many trash bins everywhere, people wouldn’t throw their trash on the ground. Unfortunately, people still don’t seem to understand the purpose of trash bins.
At the end of the week we had to think what to post on social media and work more on digital camino.
In conclusion, it was a week full of activities 🙂
A principios de la semana pasada, discutimos sobre las actividades que debemos realizar en nuestra oficina ubicada en Neda. Al principio, me sentĂ abrumado porque habĂa mucha informaciĂłn que recordar. Además, el inglĂ©s no es mi idioma nativo, por lo que fue divertido experimentar cuánto puedo entender y hablar. Fue un desafĂo al principio, porque habĂa muchas palabras nuevas en nuestra discusiĂłn.
TambiĂ©n hicimos el Camino InglĂ©s y buscamos lugares que necesitaban mejoras. Hubo algunos lugares que son difĂciles de cruzar para personas con discapacidades. TambiĂ©n faltaban flechas o apenas se veĂan en algunos puntos del camino. En algunos lugares, habĂa grandes basuras o plantas invasoras. Vi algunas cosas interesantes que nunca habĂa visto antes en el camino. Vi naranjos, uvas y otras plantas interesantes que no tenemos en Estonia.
En dos dĂas recogimos basura de los alrededores. El primer dĂa de recolecciĂłn de basura limpiamos los alrededores en Neda. Yo era fotĂłgrafo y recolector de basura al mismo tiempo, asĂ que fue un poco difĂcil, pero lo logrĂ© bien. Al principio, no habĂa tanta basura como temĂa que hubiera. Más tarde, habĂa más y más basura mientras continuábamos caminando. HabĂa un puente que tenĂa mucha basura debajo. TambiĂ©n encontrĂ© una caja de platos en una bolsa de plástico debajo de un arbusto. Ese dĂa recogimos unas 5 bolsas y media de residuos. El otro dĂa estuvimos recogiendo basura en Ferrol cerca de una playa. HabĂa muchos pedazos de basura pequeña que volaban. Principalmente coleccionaba piezas de vidrio, porque son muy peligrosas para los animales (como los perros) cuando las pisan. PodrĂan lesionarse las patas y contraer infecciones de las heridas.
En resumen, recolectamos mucha basura, lo cual es bueno y malo al mismo tiempo. Es triste ver tanta basura en los arbustos, debajo de los puentes, a los costados de las carreteras y cerca de los basureros. Uno pensarĂa que si hay tantos contenedores de basura por todas partes, la gente no tirarĂa su basura al suelo. Desafortunadamente, la gente todavĂa no parece entender el propĂłsito de los contenedores de basura.
Al final de la semana tenĂamos que pensar quĂ© publicar en las redes sociales y trabajar más en el camino digital.
En conclusión, fue una semana llena de actividades 🙂
- Volunteer
- English Way