Sustainable Camino – O’ Cádavo to A Degolada
?? During our Camino clean-up from O’ Cádavo to A Degolada most of the trash we collected were pieces of toilet paper. Not many trash in general were found through this route but some of them were big in size and need to be collected by the appropriate personnel with equipment. Trash include a mattress and big pieces of plastic that parts of it are trapped underground.
?? Durante nuestra limpieza del Camino de O’Cádavo a A Degolada, la mayor parte de la basura que recogimos fueron trozos de papel higiénico. No se encontró mucha basura en general a través de esta ruta, pero algunas de las cosas eran de gran tamaño y necesitan ser recogidas por el personal adecuado con equipo adecuado. La basura incluye un colchón y grandes piezas de plástico que quedan atrapadas bajo tierra.
1. Mattress:
- Illegal waste points
- Primitive Way